52 Money Save Ways: Week 23: Don’t call in the Experts

52 Money Save Ways: Week 23: Don’t call in the Experts

Week 23 of Money Save Way tips is here! You are probably getting ready for school to get out and excited for the warm weather. I know I am! This series of tips will be 52 tips by the end of the year, with one to go with each week! It is intended to help you if you are following along with the 52 Week Money Challenge. Since we are in week 23, put $23 into your savings or if you are doing it in reverse, put $31 into your savings!
52 Money Save Ways: Week 23: Don't call in the Experts


52 Money Save Ways: Week 23: Don’t call in the Experts

In our consumer and service driven society, we have become accustomed to calling someone to fix something for us, do something for us and make something for us. This is great for the economy and gives people jobs, so don’t get me wrong, I don’t see anything wrong with it, however, it is also leaving folks paying for services when they don’t need to.

One example of not needing to call an expert is replacing the “guts” of your toilet. Many people would call a plumber to do this. A plumber can cost you a lot and usually to stop something like a running toilet just takes 10 minutes and less than $5. If you are unsure of your abilities, just look up some videos on Youtube.

Another example of using an expert service when it is not really necessary is when you go get your oil changed in your vehicle. On most makes and models this can be done in less than 20 minutes at home with very few tools that can be used over and over for years. Doing your own oil changes can save you over $100 a year or more!

While it is important to know when to NOT call in the experts to do things, it is equally important to know when TO call them in. It is never a good idea to mess with potentially dangerous things such as rewiring your own electrical issues, mixing chemicals and so on.

Also, unless you know exactly what you are doing, having a contractor is almost always a great idea if you will be doing any huge home repairs or you could end up with something that costs you more than wasted time or even something that damages your existing home.


What are some things you do yourself that others rely on experts for? I would love to hear how you save money by not calling in the experts!



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