What To Buy In March

what to buy in march

Can you believe it? We’re getting closer and closer to Spring. March is just around the corner– woo-hoo!

March is a great time to go shopping. With the renewal of life that Spring starts to bring, comes all kinds of savings. Knowing what to buy is crucial to getting the best savings at this time of year. Here are some things you should be in the market for in March.

What To Buy In March

Winter gear– Coats will be up to 90% off at many places so now is the time to get that expensive coat you have had your eye on all winter for next year. Stores will be practically begging you to take them out of the store!

“The Good China”– Since this is a time when flatware, glasses and plate sets are not selling because it is not quite wedding season and Christmas is long over, many retailers will mark down these items. You will find savings on anything for your table, too, such as napkin rings, chargers and the like.

Winter sports equipment– The get these items out of the store and move into warmer weather gear, sports gear stores will deeply discount skis, snowboards, snowshoes and sleds. While you will have to put them up until next year, this is the best time to buy.

Flights-It can be cheap to fly in March as this is a generally dead time for most airlines. If you book on a Wednesday, you may save even more.

Luggage-Speaking for flying, March is statistically the best time to buy travel gear such as suitcases and wardrobes. This is a time between vacation days (not quite summer and winter vacations are winding down) so luggage goes on sale during the month of March. Get your gear early for your summer vacation.

Smart phones- The new ones will be hotting the shelves, so now is the time to scoop up deals on the old models.

Ski packages– If you live near high elevation ski resorts that will continue to have snow for a least another month, consider buying one of the low priced last chance ski packages that may get you lodging as well at a rock-bottom price. If you don’t get to ski very often, now is the time to do it as prices will be the lowest they have been all season.


Groceries to buy in March:

Frozen food. March is National Frozen Food month. All frozen foods will see an all-time low and there will be a lot of coupons coming out for them, especially for frozen veggies.

Produce to buy this month: Broccoli, Pineapples, lettuce, mushrooms of all kinds, root plants like radishes, parsnips and rutabagas, artichokes and Brussels sprouts.

Chocolate: With the passing of Valentine’s day, you can probably still scoop up some great deals on chocolate


You can also check out previous months of things to buy (note for next year)

What to Buy in February what to buy in january, shopping sale cycles

More DIY and Frugal Tips can be found in the Frugal section of the blog 🙂

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  1. March 18, 2014

    Wow, I knew about winter clothes, but I had no idea about china and flatware. Thanks for the tips!

    • March 20, 2014

      you’re welcome! I like to stock up on Winter Clothes during this time– esp since kids grow so fast.

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